Colóquio de Matemática – 18/out/2024

17/10/2024 18:21

Palestrante: Prof. Leonardo Sacht (UFSC)

Data: 18 de out de 2024

Horário: 14h

Local: Auditório Airton Silva

Título: Cascading upper bounds for triangle soup Pompeiu-Hausdorff distance

Resumo: We propose a new method to accurately approximate the Pompeiu-Hausdorff distance from a triangle soup A to another triangle soup B up to a given tolerance. Based on lower and upper bound computations, we discard triangles from A that do not contain the maximizer of the distance to B and subdivide the others for further processing. In contrast to previous methods, we use four upper bounds instead of only one, three of which newly proposed by us. Many triangles are discarded using the simpler bounds, while the most difficult cases are dealt with by the other bounds. Exhaustive testing determines the best ordering of the four upper bounds. A collection of experiments shows that our method is faster than all previous accurate methods in the literature.


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